Thursday, March 1, 2012

Training Day 10

Today's accomplishment. Yay!
Hello Friends!

I've been remiss in keeping you updated with how my training has been going, but let me tell you, I'm doing awesome!

I've been running in excess of a mile, up to 4 miles now..... and got in trouble for it. Yep, not only did my body protest, but my trainer daughter also told me I was over doing it.
True, my will was ahead of my body, and it hurt. So much so, it put me out of commission for four days straight. I was so disappointed.  This happened nearly two weeks ago.

Since then, I've been paying attention to my muscles and joints and not so much my brain. My brain is months ahead of my body.... In fact it's ready to do a Mudder event NOW, but this body is not ready or able, so I'm definitely paying attention. If it hurts or too painful, take it down a notch.

So far I've been comfortable within the range of 1.5 miles and 2.5 miles. However, there have been occasions when along with my playlist and a sense of  "can-do" attitude, ibuprofen and majicdust aka  L-Glutamine Powder, I'm rocking! AND there is NO PAIN! So I keep going, and I get 4 miles. Not bad for a 9-year couch-potato as of four weeks ago. Yay!

Oh, what's L-Glutamine? Well, let me show you....

So the reason I take this is for "recuperative" purposes. After lovingly being chewed out by my trainer daughter (see above), she told me to start taking L-G. She's been using it for years and has helped her tremendously.  I take it the same way she does, a tsp in the morning (with juice for me) when I get up along with my vitamins, etc, then again after I workout, and again before I go to bed.  This body's 9 year lack of activity needs all the recuperative assistance I can get.

I also worked out with my daughter-in-law Tiffany earlier this week. She invited me to her gym while I visited, so off we went and it was a great work out. Got a 3-day gym pass out of that.

Tiff is planning a half marathon sometime in the fall, that's just awesome! Maybe I can talk her into doing Tough Mudder with me. Mmm....

And now, Vegas has opened up for registration. This is exciting! I pre-registered about 10 days ago maybe and received my email this morning that I could register now. Since I'll be joining the Las Vegas City Athletic Club Team where my daughter Sara works, we're gonna be pumped!!! Good for me, they'll be carrying me everywhere.... HAHAHA! Okay, not really, but good to know, they have my back, and everyone doing ToughMudder.

Well I'm outta here. Dinner is cooking and I'm starving. But before I go I want to leave you with something that brought a smile to face, and the WILL TO KEEP MOVING! Till next time friends...


  1. Yea thay's the same glutamine Shane takes! Mom Im glad your doing it!!!! I love you! :-)

  2. Yep, L-G is phenomenal. So happy you brought it to my attention. Steve is going to start using it too. Yay!
