Sunday, February 12, 2012

Am I "Tough Enough"

I decided shortly after February 4th of this year that I would attempt a Tough Mudder event (, this is after my daughter Sara told me that she was going to do the event in October that would come to Las Vegas. I was so excited for her. She sent me the link and I devoured every video on their website. I knew she could do this. I knew she was going to finish it. I knew she was going to succeed. And I knew that I wanted to be involved.
I let her know that I'd fly to Vegas and root for her. I would be in the sidelines taking pictures/video of her. I would be there with water if she needed it. I would be there if she needed me to encourage her. I would be there to yell at her, YOU CAN DO THIS!!  GET UP!!  MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!!!

Then it struck me. I wanted to do this. I could do this. I should do this. Something inside me was stirring and yelling "MOVE!!!! Move Kim, Move!!!" The more I watched the videos of past events, the more I wanted to be a part of it "MOVE KIM, MOVE!"

Why can't I do this? Why shouldn't I do this? Who said I couldn't do this? "MOVE KIM, MOVE!"

And then it happened, I became emotional. I'm that way. Yes, I started to cry..... I knew.

I knew I had just committed myself to the same rigorous event that my very fit and very healthy daughter had just decided to do, I just hadn't said the words. So as I sat on my favorite spot on the couch, I look over to my husband, who's sitting in his favorite chair and I said "I want to do Tough Mudder!"..... There I said it! The words where out. And I cried like a baby. Conviction. Commitment. Fear. Joy. FEAR. OH MY GOD!!! I couldn't take it back, and I didn't want to.

So, my husband said as he's chuckling that I didn't need to cry, after all, I had been in the Army and I could do this. And he would do this with me. Yay! We are in soooo much trouble..... CRAP!!

So the degree of difficulty for us is insane, why? well, my husband has a bit of an advantage, he actually works out weekly. I don't. There was a time when I had a love affair with The Gym, over a decade ago. Not sure why or how that changed, but "we broke up".  I'm 53 years young and I live a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle that has caused me medical problems.  I know I can rectify these issues by simply MOVING. So the degree of difficulty is mine to bear. But I'm okay with that, I will overcome and succeed.

Our training started yesterday. We bought new cross trainers.  COMMITMENT! We try not spend money unless it gets put to good use. I intend to shred these shoes in the next 10 months before we participate in our Tough Mudder event.  We figured it would take 10 months to get in shape to finish the 10 - 12 mile obstacle course. So we'll be ready for 2013.

I will be blogging about our training, our struggles and successes as we move forward to MUDDER-DOM.  You're welcome to share your own path of positive energy with me. Just know I'm in it to finish it. Oh and one more thing, in my world the glass is always half full.

Am I Tough Enough....   Just getting off the couch is an accomplishment!
Am I Tough Enough....   Don't pay attention to the detractors, they want you to fail!
Am I Tough Enough....   I want my grandkids to know that yes it can be done, even by ME!
Am I Tough Enough....   It's not IF, but WHEN
Am I Tough Enough....   Yes, Maddevil, Yes, I am!


  1. Go for it! I think it's awesome that you've taken that leap off the ledge and committed to this. I saw your post on Tough Mudder and had to check you out. I'm doing my first Tough Mudder event in June...and I'm scared to death. So you're not alone. :) You're inspiring. Keep at it!

  2. Thank you! I'm so stoked. I've already figured a training site right around the corner where we live. Monday we start. Woo Hoo!

  3. Mom, this is amazing!! You are truly very inspiring.....its because of the spirit you have and the belief in your self that others are following your footsteps. I Will be there supporting you every step of the way and thanking you for your strength that keeps me going. I love you!!

  4. Oh my goodness... I love you mucho!!! You're an inspiration yourself Ms Sara and I'm so looking forward to US getting through this.

    We are so gonna ROCK!

  5. Very cool blog, and I know where Memorial Park is, not a bad training ground to have in your backyard. I live in the central valley in Tracy, a little more shall we say flat. But like you, I decided I'm doing my first TM event, at the end of this year, in my backyard, Patterson. Good luck and I look forward to reading your blog.
