Monday, February 13, 2012

Training Day 1

Good Morning!  Been up for a few hours and can't wait for #2 to get home from work so we can start our training.

Interestingly it's raining and I'm not having an issue with that at all. The way I see it at Tough Mudder we're going to be hit with ice water, mud, cold, fire, more water, more ice, more water.....  It's going to be brutal, might as well get used to the WET now.... (insert laugh track!)

So I waltz over to to check out any new videos and came across some really cool stuff.  Georgia just wrapped their event and AZ had their event in January.  I really enjoy watching those.  They're very inspirational, and right now I need all the inspiration I can muster. Specially since I'm going to will myself to jump out in the rain later this afternoon and run in the mud, up and down the hill and street to get fit to run up and down obstacle courses that can very well give me some Owies!!! Here's a video I found that took the Whine right out of me -

Now while I was perusing twitter, I follow @MudRunHQ and they posted a link to their page regarding the 6 Toughest Obstacles at Tough Mudder. They include images of these obstacles and these pretty much give you an idea of how brutal these obstacles can be, but for sure they are doable.

The one obstacle that I'm dreading and look forward to the most is EVEREST.

I know I can do it and at the same time I know it's going to take all my strength to get up to It and over It.  I'll have help, but much will depend on me, and I'll be ready for it.

The obstacle I'm not looking forward to at all is the Chernobyl Jacuzzi, I'm so dreading jumping into that ice bath.  If I had testicles I know those puppies would freeze, and shatter.... Dudes, I feel for you.  My boobs are so not going to enjoy this!

Okay, I need to get some nutrition in my bod and get moving. Daylight is burning! I'll come back later this evening and give an update on the soggy training me and my #2 went through. I'll attempt some pictures, but no promises, it looks like it's going to rain all day.

Until then I'll leave you with some words of wisdom - "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden

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