Monday, February 13, 2012

Training Day 1 - End of Day

So here it is, we're done with our first day's training.

We're good and sweaty and tired and I'm exhilarated! My #2 got home from work, we changed into our grubbies and we where off. Down the street and off to the park and down the creek behind our apartment complex.

There's a trail that runs for miles, but we weren't doing "miles", we where just doing the berms and the "muddy steps". We needed to get the heart pumping, break a sweat and get motivated. I wasn't running, not yet, I was power walking. My #2 was running, well more like jogging.

It was great, we where so motivated. About the time we reached the "muddy steps" my cell goes off, and because you never know if it's an emergency I answer it. Mind you, I'm still moving. Hello? It's my daughter-in-law. Yay! We're chatting away like we always do, and I'm still moving, why not, right!

She's telling me all about my grandaughter and how she's going to be enrolled in dance class, and I'm still moving, and we're still talking, and I'm still moving. Kisses, love you! I click off and WOW! What did I do? All the time I was talking with her I had climbed up these "muddy steps" walked around and came down a muddy hill and never broke my stride. YES! I am a ROCKSTAR!

I was so stoked. My #2 was ready to go, but was lagging behind. Let's get a move on, I'm yelling, me and my power walking self, and off he goes with his running, and me and my power walking we go!! I'm liking this working out.

I never saw my #2 until I reached the end of the trail which ends at the park - Memorial Park. By the time I had arrived he had already done push up, and it was my turn. Mind you I haven't done push ups in ages, so I started small, I did table push up. What are those? I'll show you.
Yeah, I'm starting small. But it's something. I'll be doing real push ups by the time March comes along. In the mean time I took off up the muddy hill that's in the park and we where off up into the street.
So now we're home. Finishing up with this update, got dinner taken care off and satisfied with our first day of Mudder Training. Tomorrow, well we're doing weights. So it's going to be an indoor workout. But for now we're chilling with what turns out to be coincidentally..... 

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